Sunday, December 8, 2013

The one thing you should NEVER say/ask a woman.

Happy Sunday Y'all!  Right now I would typically be running around my house getting clothes ready for the girls and my husband so that we can arrive at church 30 minutes late...but unfortunately bad weather has been in the forecast and I'm not itching to take my kiddos out and have them get sicky.  So, since I had some time, and when I have time my mind tends to obsess over thing, I thought I would touch on something that has been bothering me a great deal here lately.

Quick back story:  I have been struggling with my weight since I had surgery on my feet back in '08.  I spent a total of 9 months in a wheelchair and who knows how long in a boot and then just working to build my muscles up.  I still cannot stand on my tippy toes without wincing.  ANYWAYS... I've had some weight issues.  I became pregnant with my first daughter right after marrying my sweetheart.  I was already overweight and becoming pregnant didn't help with that.

I was finally really starting to lose all the baby weight when I became pregnant with my second darling.  Since having her I have lost all the baby weight I gained, but I'm still working to lose what was gained with Roxie.  Nursing and just working and being a mom helps me lose slow and steady.  I have FINALLY started feeling good about myself and my body.

However, the ONE thing that just tears me down and makes me feel, well, fat, is when people approach me asking me if I'm pregnant.....SERIOUSLY!?  Now, there has ONLY been one circumstance where it didn't tick me off, and that was when I had my hand on my stomach(it was thanksgiving and we all know how that goes) and a friend looked at me quizzically and whispered(whispered being the key word) "Are you pregnant?" THAT'S OKAY!!  That does NOT make me mad.  Why?  1.) She knows me!!  2.)She whispered.  3.)I mean I  did have my hand on my stomach...

It still has a slight sting, even if it's a friend, but it honestly doesn't bother me as bad.


Here are a few good reasons why:

1.) She could be struggling with her weight and it will ruin her self confidence.

2.) She could be trying to have kids and can't

3.) What if she's just had a miscarriage?

So people, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, STOP!!!  If someone is pregnant, they'll let ya know when it's time for you to know.  Keep quiet and find something else to talk about, PLEASE!!

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