Friday, April 15, 2011


There have been times in my life where I have been extremely tired, but none of those times compares to how I have felt everyday of this pregnancy so far.  I feel completely exhausted ALL THE TIME.  I wake up in the morning, do some cleaning around the house and then take a nap, I go to school and when I come home I take a nap.  I get home from work, I eat dinner and then go to bed.  All I want to do is sleep.  I'm praying that in the next few weeks when I make it to my second trimester I will have a little more energy.  When you're pregnant it seems like little things that were effortless now require effort.  Lucky for me I have the most amazing husband who has been helping me through this time.  He can tell when I need too rest and doesn't let me drain myself the way I use to before.  I'm so blessed to have him.   In other news, I'm starting to sport a baby bump.  It's not much, but it's there and EVERYBODY wants to touch it.  As long as people continue to ask for permission first I won't mind :)

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